New Ferrari F70 Teaser Photo Shows Rear End

Luke Vandezande
by Luke Vandezande

Teaser images of the Ferrari Enzo successor, thus far called the F70, has been thoroughly shrouded until recently when the teaser images below leaked from a presentation.

Now, Ferrari is officially releasing that image as well as another poorly lit photo showing the car’s rear end. Internally codenamed the F150, the brand is still keeping the car’s official title close to the chest. Despite that, there is still some information about what to expect, and the teaser photos give a little bit away as well.

SEE ALSO: This is the Ferrari F70, Well… Part of it

First, Ferrari already showed the car’s carbon fiber chassis in its booth during the Paris Motor Show in September. Composed of four different kind of carbon fiber, the unit will afford Ferrari’s new supercar roughly a 20 percent weight savings and improved body rigidity over the Enzo.

Apart from having a significantly improved body structure, the car will also be powered by a V12 helped by a KERS gas-electric hybrid system. In total, the system is rumored to produce a staggering 900 hp.

SEE ALSO: Ferrari F70 Engine Spotted in Magazine

Unfortunately, this is a car that even the world’s wealthiest might not be able to buy. Like so many disgruntled people trying to sell a car online say, cash-in-hand is not an enticement. Instead, Ferrari will invite a select few to buy the car.

Luke Vandezande
Luke Vandezande

Luke is an energetic automotive journalist who spends his time covering industry news and crawling the internet for the latest breaking story. When he isn't in the office, Luke can be found obsessively browsing used car listings, drinking scotch at his favorite bar and dreaming of what to drive next, though the list grows a lot faster than his bank account. He's always on <A title="@lukevandezande on Twitter" href="">Twitter</A> looking for a good car conversation. Find Luke on <A title="@lukevandezande on Twitter" href="">Twitter</A> and <A title="Luke on Google+" href="">Google+</A>.

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