Aston Martin Wants Into the Formula One Circus

Michael Accardi
by Michael Accardi

Aston Martin is looking to get more involved in the Formula One paddock.

“We want to be more involved in the sport,” chief executive Andy Palmer was quoted as saying while attending the Singapore Grand Prix over the weekend. “We’re currently studying the 2021 engine. If we get a reasonable regulation that brings down the cost of the engine, Aston would like to be involved in the engine,” added the Briton.

Speculation was swirling that Palmer was on hand in Singapore to finalize details of a new title sponsorship agreement with Red Bull.

“We’d like to be involved a little more next season and then join the dots. But it really depends on what happens with the engine regs,” Palmer continued.

Red Bull and Aston Martin have an existing relationship which started in 2016 with Red Bull carrying Aston Martin branding following designer Adrian Newey’s work on the AM-RB 001 Valkyrie hypercar.

SEE ALSO: Aston Martin Mulling Formula 1 Engine Entry

According to Reuters, The Aston sponsorship deal could be a carbon copy of the agreement Palmer brokered for Infiniti while he was still with Nissan. Infiniti has since gone off to partner with its corporate sister, the Renault works team, in a technical capacity.

Aston Martin’s technical involvement hinges on the FIA’s decision regarding the new F1 power unit regulations slotted to come online in 2021. The goal is to cut costs and complexity, allowing for cheaper and more reliable motors than the current 1.6 liter V6 turbo hybrid systems. The belief is a more cost friendly engine formula will attract new manufacturers into the sport.

Should the plan come to fruition, it’s believed Aston Martin would primarily supply engines to Red Bull. Aston hasn’t competed in Formula One since 1960 when it briefly raced with the woefully terrible DBR5 which only managed a lone 10th place finish.

A version of this story originally appeared on Luxury4Play

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