Lamborghini Urus Teased Playing in the Snow

Jason Siu
by Jason Siu

After showing off the Lamborghini Urus SUV tearing up sand dunes, the Italian automaker has released a new video of it in the snow.

Set to make its debut on December 4, expect a few more teasers from Lamborghini as it gets ready to show off its first mainstream production SUV in decades. Last week, we got treated to a video showcasing the “Sabbia” drive mode, and this week it’s the “Neve” mode, which means snow in Italian. As the name suggests, it’s the preferred driving mode in winter and Lamborghini wants to prove the SUV is capable of taking on all sorts of different road conditions.

SEE ALSO: Lamborghini Urus Shreds Some Sand Dunes in ‘Sabbia’ Mode

Lamborghini’s Anima drive selector will have a few options on the Urus, including the usual Strada, Sport, and Corsa. But in addition, we see Sabbia (sand), Terra (dirt), and Neve (snow). All these short videos Lamborghini is releasing, however, don’t really provide any details on what changes are done to the vehicle for each driving mode, so expect to hear more details next month once the SUV finally gets unveiled.

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Jason Siu
Jason Siu

Jason Siu began his career in automotive journalism in 2003 with Modified Magazine, a property previously held by VerticalScope. As the West Coast Editor, he played a pivotal role while also extending his expertise to Modified Luxury & Exotics and Modified Mustangs. Beyond his editorial work, Jason authored two notable Cartech books. His tenure at saw him immersed in the daily news cycle, yet his passion for hands-on evaluation led him to focus on testing and product reviews, offering well-rounded recommendations to AutoGuide readers. Currently, as the Content Director for VerticalScope, Jason spearheads the content strategy for an array of online publications, a role that has him at the helm of ensuring quality and consistency across the board.

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