How to Change a Car Battery

Your car’s battery is what makes everything in your car go. From your ignition to your radio, if you have a bad battery, none of them will work properly. A car battery, even the best one, won’t last forever. Five to seven years is the typical lifespan of a high-quality battery, less in areas of extreme heat and cold. When it’s time for a new one, you can change your car battery yourself. Here’s how to do it.

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How to Prepare Your Car Battery for the Winter

Batteries are not exciting things. They store power. They make our stuff work. You have to replace or recharge them sometimes. You can get new ones almost anywhere.

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How to Safely Prepare for a Summer Roadtrip

With summer now on the way, there’s a good chance you and your family are planning a road trip. This year, AAA estimates it’ll aid over eight-million motorists between Memorial Day and Labor Day; so avoid being a statistic by planning ahead.

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