Dieter Zetsche Leaving Daimler Role in May, Replacement Named

Daimler AG and its Mercedes-Benz division won’t have Dieter Zetsche at the helm for much longer. The mustachioed, jeans-loving chief executive, who’s headed the automaker since 2000, leaves the position in May, the automaker announced Wednesday.

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Mercedes to Retake Global Luxury Lead by 2020 Boasts CEO

Following a drop to third place among luxury automakers, the CEO of Mercedes parent company Daimler is setting his eyes on an ambitious target of regaining the top spot in 2020.

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Internal Combusion Engine's Days Are Numbered Says Mercedes CEO

The future of green motoring is far closer than you might think. At least it is if you’re a believe of Mercedes-Benz CEO Dieter Zetsche.

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Maybach Could Live On As Mercedes Sub-Brand

Remember Maybach? Of course not, we’re in a recession. But back in the day, when the grass was green and birds sang sweetly in the forests, Mercedes’ experiment with ultra-luxury was quietly shuttered after people decided that two-tone paint wasn’t compelling enough a reason to buy what looked like a melted S-Class owned by Simon Cowell.

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Daimler CEO: China Must Adopt EVs, Gas And Diesel Cars Not Feasible For Their Market

In a shockingly forthright appraisal of the Chinese auto market, Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche laid out the harsh reality for the Chinese auto market, stating that petroleum-powered vehicles are not sustainable due to the massive demand, and that electric vehicles are imperative.

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Daimler, Renault/Nissan Alliance Confirmed With Focus on Small Cars, Engines

At a press conference earlier today a new partnership between Mercedes parent company Daimler and Renault/Nissan was announced that will see all three automakers working together to develop new products, while reducing overall costs. The partnership will see the German, French and Japanese automakers work together on future small car projects, engines and commercial vehicles.

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Geneva 2010: Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG the Official Formula One Safety Car

What’s the one car Michael Schumacher cannot pass? The official Formula One Safety Car, of course! That’s the riddle Mercedes-Benz’ Dr. Dieter Zetsche asked before introducing the SLS AMG F1 Safety Car at the Geneva Auto Show.

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Obama Proposes Significant Rise in Fuel-Efficiency Standards

Yesterday President Obama announced a new proposal being put forward to increase fuel-economy standards across the board. If enacted, the legislation would see the fleet average for passenger vehicles rise to 35.5 mpg by 2016.

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