Ferrari SUV to Launch by 2022 at the Latest

The Ferrari SUV will launch by 2022 at the latest, according to a new report from Reuters.

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This Ferrari 488 Prototype Sure Seems Like a Hybrid

A mysterious Ferrari 488 based test prototype has been filmed at Ferrari’s Fiorano test track in Italy.
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Ferrari to Put Series Production Hybrid on Sale Next Year

Ferrari’s first series production hybrid model will go on sale in mid 2019, according to a new report.

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LaFerrari Spider, FXX Due in 2015

Two more variants of the Ferrari LaFerrari are currently in the workshop at Maranello, both of which will arrive in 2015. 

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Ferrari to Turbocharge All V8 Cars in the Future

Ferrari is seeking to improve its performance while simultaneously reducing emissions by 2021.

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Ferrari Enzo Hybrid Confirmed For Year's End by Montezemolo

Coming off a very successful start to the year that already generated a 42.1 million euro profit, Ferrari chairman Luca di Montezemolo is confirming a hybrid Enzo by the end of the year.

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Ferrari Unveils Its Latest Halo Mid-Engine HY-KERS Drivetrain- Video
Last week, patent applications from Ferrari revealed a new hybrid system for its front-engine V12 road cars. Continuously developing efficient and high performing engines at a fierce pace, Ferrari has now released details on a new mid-engine V12 hybrid powerplant at the 2012 Beijing Auto Show.

Designed specifically for the Ferrari Enzo successor slated to debut towards the end of the year, Ferrari intends for its new hybrid system to deliver a flagship that will raise a new benchmark in performance, emissions and efficiency. The HY-KERS system features two electric motors connected to batteries. While the primary electric motor mounted to the gearbox sends power to the rear wheels, the role of the secondary electric motor is to power auxiliary systems including power steering, brake servo, air conditioning and on-board systems.

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Ferrari Enzo Successor Could Use Hybrid Technology Says CEO

Expected to arrive some time next year, the successor to the Ferrari Enzo could make use of hybrid technology admits company CEO Amedeo Felisa.

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Ferrari Registers Patent for Four-Wheel Drive Hybrid

A series of patents that Ferrari has filed for a four-wheel drive hybrid system have leaked out and in true Ferrari fashion they are more red than green.

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