The Best Car Covers

Not everyone has the luxury of parking their car in a garage, and to maintain your car’s appearance (and resale value), you need to find the best car cover for it. That’s why we take a look at the best car covers available today, explaining their features and what they have to offer. It may appear that most are the same, but you’ll want to pay close attention to the material they’re constructed from and how many layers it offers. Some car covers aren’t recommended for outdoor use, while waterproof covers for your car offer additional straps and buckles to protect it from the wind. A good starting point when choosing a car cover is determining how often you’ll need to use it outdoors, since you’ll need additional features, like heavy fabric, additional layers, and waterproofing, to make sure it offers ample protection. It’s not just dust and dirt you’re keeping out, but getting protection from rain, snow, and even hail, sap, bird droppings, and accidental scratches. Covering your car also provides some theft deterrent, as a thief first doesn’t know what’s under the cover; then has to make a disturbance getting it out of the way. 

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