Dodge Caravan Commercials Make Us Say "WTF?"

Derek Kreindler
by Derek Kreindler

Minivan ads are usually focused on touting features that appeal to the families that buy them. Airbags to keep you safe, entertainment to keep the kids happy, powerful engines to cut down on “Are we there yet?” In a rare moment of humor in the segment, Dodge has commissioned a couple ads that are totally out of left field.

Both ads show off the Caravan’s infotainment features like TV screens, wi-fi capability and voice activated GPS, albeit in the wackiest way possible. The first ad, reminicisent of BMW’s short film “Ticker” seems to involve a government conspiracy, an African military officer and some unsanctioned surgery. The second clip, is actually pretty funny, but had weird echoes of the graphic novel “ Maus“. View the commercials here.

[Source: Autoblog]

Derek Kreindler
Derek Kreindler

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