Fewer Teens Dying Behind the Wheel: Report

According the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, teen driving deaths have decreased 56 percent over the last two decades.

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Crashes Kill Teens More Often Than Anything Else

Automobile crashes kill more teenagers than anything else according to a new study.

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Bendix Brakes Launches Social Media Campaign For Teen Safety and Winter Driving

Teen drivers need to be extra vigilant on the roads – especially in winter. This isn’t just about distracted driving… it’s also about staying on top of proper car maintenance at a time when roads are at its worst.

According to a Consumer Reports survey, 40 percent of drivers postpone car maintenance or repairs, and drivers 18 to 34 years old are the most likely to put off work on brake pads or tires – items that are necessary for safe everyday driving. By cutting corners on proper car maintenance, a teen driver’s risk of getting into a car accident in inclement weather increases, as does their long-term car care costs.

To help combat this issue, Honeywell Friction Materials presents “Bendix Brakes for Teen Safety.” This social media campaign educates parents and teens about how important it is to keep up your car’s maintenance. Here are a few handy and easy tips to keep in mind:

• Change your wiper blades when you change your oil and check your fluid reservoirs once a month during the winter.

• When you brakes start to squeal, it’s time to change the brake pads, and if you here grinding noises, that signals a more serious problem. Get a certified technician to check out both noises immediately to prevent costly repairs.

• Do a tire tread test with a quarter – if you can see the top of Washington’s head, it’s time for new tires.

• Your car contains a 50/50 mix of water and antifreeze, so make sure the level is full and the mixture is accurate.

Visit Bendix Brakes for Teen Safety on Facebook or YouTube for information on getting teen drivers ready for winter. We’ve included a Bendix video after the jump – it’s a humorous stand-up routine that pokes fun at teens and winter drivers.

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