Infiniti Splits From Red Bull Racing

Jason Siu
by Jason Siu

Nissan, Infiniti and Red Bull Racing are discontinuing their partnership.

The Japanese automaker made the announcement on Monday, saying that the two automotive brands and the Formula One team will end their partnership at the end of December 2015. That means the relationship will end one year earlier than originally stipulated and Nissan will no longer provide light commercial vans to Red Bull Racing.

The companies’ relationship was one of the most successful in recent years of Formula One racing, winning four consecutive Formula One constructor and driver world championship titles between 2010 and 2013.

SEE ALSO: Sebastian Vettel Leaving Infiniti Red Bull Racing

Infiniti and Red Bull Racing started their commercial partnership in 2011, ahead of Infiniti becoming a title sponsor for the team in 2013. Last year, star driver Sebastian Vettel announced that he would leave the Infiniti Red Bull Racing team at the end of 2014 and it appears that his departure has had a significant impact on the team.

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Jason Siu
Jason Siu

Jason Siu began his career in automotive journalism in 2003 with Modified Magazine, a property previously held by VerticalScope. As the West Coast Editor, he played a pivotal role while also extending his expertise to Modified Luxury & Exotics and Modified Mustangs. Beyond his editorial work, Jason authored two notable Cartech books. His tenure at saw him immersed in the daily news cycle, yet his passion for hands-on evaluation led him to focus on testing and product reviews, offering well-rounded recommendations to AutoGuide readers. Currently, as the Content Director for VerticalScope, Jason spearheads the content strategy for an array of online publications, a role that has him at the helm of ensuring quality and consistency across the board.

More by Jason Siu

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