Ram Laramie Longhorn Named 2011 'Truck of Texas'

Huw Evans
by Huw Evans

It’s no secret that the Lone Star State is known as truck country. Texas accounts for 17 percent of total pickup sales in the U.S. and this year, after two grueling days of evaluating a total of 57 trucks and SUVs, the Texas Auto Writers Association, declared the 2011 Ram Laramie Longhorn as this year’s ‘Truck of Texas.’

And from looking at this truck, it probably isn’t difficult to see why. The Laramie Longhorn is loaded with gingerbread, from the two tone paint on the outside and plenty of chrome, to a luxurious leather interior that harks back to the days of the old west; plus it has a big Hemi V8 and that most Texas of features, chrome dual exhausts, which nearly every big pickup on the road in the Lone Star state seems to sport these days.

Besides winning this prestigious award, Chrysler products cleaned house in other categories too – the Ram Power Wagon won Heavy-Duty pickup honors (for the second year in a row), while the full-size truck award went to the Ram Outdoorsman a model aimed at hunters, fisherman and campers, that incorporates such features such as a towing package and RamBox holster (we don’t need to tell you what that’s for). In the SUV category – top awards also went to Chrysler Group vehicles – Jeep’s new 2011 Grand Cherokee took the win in the full-size category, while the mid-size award went to the 2011 Jeep Wrangler.

GALLERY: 2011 Ram Laramie Longhorn

Huw Evans
Huw Evans

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