GM CEO Dan Akerson Takes A Cheap Shot At Ford's Lincoln Brand

Harry Lay
by Harry Lay

General Motors CEO Dan Akerson discussed the future product line of his company in an interview and bashed the Lincoln brand while at it .

Akerson began the interview explaining that next year, GM will unveil a powerful bifuel engine for commercial trucks that will run on compressed natural gas or gasoline. He then spoke of Cadillacs plans to introduce the XTS and the ATS vehicles by summer 2012. Akerson was then quoted as saying Chevrolet “is going to be a killer brand” within the global market. Chevrolet is hoping to infiltrate unconquered markets with its new sophisticated hybrid vehicles.

Akerson finished his interview with Detroit News by bashing the Licoln name. He was quoted saying “They are trying like hell to resurrect Lincoln. Well, I might as well tell you, you might as well sprinkle holy water. It’s over.”It is very odd that Akerson would bad mouth Lincoln, but he must be doing so because he sees the Lincoln brand as a threat.

[Source: egm CarTech]

Harry Lay
Harry Lay

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  • John John on Jun 30, 2011

    It's a cheap and below the belt comment from a company that crawled on it's feet to get the tax payer to bail them out. It shows the GM arrogant again. Mr. Ackerson obviously has no clue what is going on in this city, and it won't be too long before he is sent packing back to Minnesota as his comments are also rubbing GM folks the wrong way. Mr. Ackerson has zero common sense as it shows in his comment and lack judgment for a corporation CEO.

  • Seabell Seabell on Feb 24, 2014

    As I recall Ford didn't need a government handout to keep the lights on. Maybe he should have shut up.
