New Ads Feature a Ram Casually Towing a Church

Jason Siu
by Jason Siu

Call it bad timing, but Ram is launching a new marketing campaign just one week after being accused of the EPA of having illegal software in its truck meant to fool emissions tests.

Two new 30-second ads launched this past weekend during NFL playoff game telecasts and will continue to run on broadcast and cable programming throughout the year. The first spot (seen above) is titled “Long Live Ram,” while the other ad can be seen below titled “Skate.”

The first ad is set to a custom recording and arrangement of Bob Dylan’s “Forever Young” song, performed by Low Country Sound/Elektra recording artist Anderson East and produced by Grammy award-winning producer Dave Cobb. In this campaign, Ram showcases the resolve of those who depend on its pickups each day, from families to farmers to first responders.

SEE ALSO: FCA CEO Calls Diesel Cheat Allegations ‘Unadulterated Hogwash’

The second spot features a variety of stories showcasing the strength, bravery and resolve of communities that depend on Ram trucks. You get to see Ram trucks hard at work helping clear the way for a whole town to come together to go ice skating on a lake.

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Jason Siu
Jason Siu

Jason Siu began his career in automotive journalism in 2003 with Modified Magazine, a property previously held by VerticalScope. As the West Coast Editor, he played a pivotal role while also extending his expertise to Modified Luxury & Exotics and Modified Mustangs. Beyond his editorial work, Jason authored two notable Cartech books. His tenure at saw him immersed in the daily news cycle, yet his passion for hands-on evaluation led him to focus on testing and product reviews, offering well-rounded recommendations to AutoGuide readers. Currently, as the Content Director for VerticalScope, Jason spearheads the content strategy for an array of online publications, a role that has him at the helm of ensuring quality and consistency across the board.

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  • Glen Logan Glen Logan on Feb 08, 2017

    In regards to the allegation by the EPA that Dodge/Cummins installed illegal software I'd like to ask what the hell they expect. I am all for keeping the environment clean but at some point the cost of a small decrease in emissions becomes too expensive to be practical for anyone but the government who spends our tax money like water. The EPA brags about having the most strict emissions guidelines/requirements in the world but has no idea the cost to the manufacturers in recalls and buybacks of "Clean Diesel" vehicles not to mention the cost to consumers. I jumped on the idea when clean diesel was introduced by Dodge in 2008. I planned to take my new $50,000.00 truck on vacation but alas, I had a check engine light and was told I shouldn't take my new truck on vacation. I had to borrow a 10 year old Nissan Sentra from my daughter for vacation while I left my new truck in the driveway. Over the next year, my truck was in the shop twice a month. The first visit was to scan the errors and order parts, the next visit was to install new parts just like the ones they removed. Nothing different was done. I finally called Dodge and demanded they either fix the truck or buy it back. They conveniently lost record of that call so I hired a lawyer and sent a demand letter along with all of the repair bills which were all connected with the "Clean Diesel" emissions system mandated by the EPA. Dodge paid me $7,500 to just go away. I took that money and removed the system that kept my truck in the shop all the time and now have a dependable truck. I have had no trouble with it in 200,000 miles but could be subject to a $10,000 fine for defeating my emission control device. I know of other people who have had their trucks quit in the middle of the road. These have been towed to the repair shop to find the emission system mandated by the EPA totally blocked with soot costing thousands to repair before the vehicle could be driven again. The EPA isn't stuck with the bill. The manufacturer or the owner is responsible for the cost of the EPA's farce. I work in the oilfield and where the trucks used have been able to run up to 3 days on a fillup, they now have to be refueled every day. These trucks use nearly twice the fuel they did before "Clean Diesel" but proponents still quote fuel economy of vehicles prior to "Clean Diesel". Nobody has accused them of anything illegal. The "Clean Diesel Coallition", EPA and others are deceiving people to support their agenda and preserve their jobs at the expense of the consumer and manufacturers while burning up to twice the fuel they have in the past expending natural resources needlessly. Someone needs to get these people under control. I will gladly re-install the emission control devices on my truck and give it to them to drive every day to see how they like the constant trips to the dealer and the repair bills associated with it. Better yet they can get their heads out of their ass and be reasonable about the emission situation. If anyone cares to dispute this, I can send a copy of all of my repair bills as proof. My fuel economy went from 20 mpg with my old truck to 13 with my new "Clean Diesel" in addition to the trips to the dealer for repairs.
