Watch a Ferrari 458 Challenge Flip the Corkscrew at Laguna Seca – Video

Colum Wood
by Colum Wood

There’s a right way to drive the famed corkscrew at Laguna Secan and there are a lot of wrong ways.

Of the varying degrees of wrong, Ferrari 458 Challenge pilot Ryan Ockey might just have set a new record in the “least correct” category, and as a result has suffered the consequences. More accurately, his Ferrari race car is the one that suffered.

After blasting into the corkscrew at a supersonic rate of speed, rather than even attempt the corner, Ockey just slides right through before hitting the gravel, flipping the shiny Ferrari into a tire wall and sending it up into the air and down on its roof. The recovery effort is just as hard to watch, too, with the car being slid down the gravel on its hood.

Watch the carnage below:

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[Source: AxisofOversteer]

Colum Wood
Colum Wood

With AutoGuide from its launch, Colum previously acted as Editor-in-Chief of Modified Luxury & Exotics magazine where he became a certifiable car snob driving supercars like the Koenigsegg CCX and racing down the autobahn in anything over 500 hp. He has won numerous automotive journalism awards including the Best Video Journalism Award in 2014 and 2015 from the Automotive Journalists Association of Canada (AJAC). Colum founded Geared Content Studios, VerticalScope's in-house branded content division and works to find ways to integrate brands organically into content.

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